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Strength: Core Recipes

Body Weight combo (coming soon)

15 minutes core workout (Level 1-2)
You will need:
-10 wall squats of regular squats
-10 Single-Leg Raise, each side
-10 bird dog, each side
-10 superman extensions
-10 pelvic tilts
Rest 60 sec between exercises
Repeat 2 times

20 minutes core workout (Level 2)
You will need:
-30 sec Kneeling Bird Dogs
-30 sec Sit ups
-30 sec Superman
-30 sec Plank
-30 sec Pelvic Tilt
Rest 30 sec between exercises
Repeat 2-3 times

20 minutes core workout (Level 2-3)
You will need:
-30 sec Deadbugs
-30 sec Crunches
-30 sec Superman
-30 sec Pelvic Tilt
-30 sec 6 inch holds
Rest 30 sec between exercises
Repeat 2-3 times

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