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Argentinian Lentil Stew (Guiso de Lentejas)

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

Recipe contributed by Mamá Laura y su hija Paola Rossi, MD

This lentil stew, or guiso, from Argentina is packed with protein and fiber, not to mention flavor. It can easily be made into a vegetarian version, but if vegetarianism isn't for you, this stew is a great option to add more plant-based foods into your diet without giving up meat.

Red chorizo, or Spanish chorizo, is a hard, dry sausage that gets its color from paprika. You may also find it called a "smoked chorizo" at the store.

Ingredients / Los ingredientes

1 diced onion / Cebolla 1 unidad

1 clove garlic / Ajo 1 diente

1/2 lb bacon (optional) / Panceta 200 grs (opcional)

2 diced potatoes / Papas 2 unidades

1 diced sweet potato / Batata 1 unidad

1 diced carrot / Zanahoria 1 unidad

Paprika to taste / Pimentón c/n

Pepper to taste / Pimienta c/n

3 cups vegetable broth / Caldo de verduras 700 cc

10 oz Tomato sauce / Salsa de tomate 300 cc

3 cups dry lentils, soaked and drained / Lentejas remojadas y escurridas 400 grs

2 Red chorizo (optional) / Chorizo colorado 2 unidades (opcional)

Salt to taste / Sal c/n

Parsley to taste / Perejil c/n

Steps / Las instrucciones

  1. In a saucepan with oil, sauté the chopped onion until translucent.

  2. Add the minced garlic and continue cooking.

  3. Cut the bacon into small pieces and add to the saucepan. Continue cooking until the bacon is crispy.

  4. Add the diced potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and the broth little by little. Season with paprika and pepper to taste.

  5. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and cook over low heat stirring until the potato begins to cook.

  6. Add tomato sauce, salt, soaked lentils, cover and continue cooking for 20 minutes (or until lentils are tender)

  7. Add the thickly sliced chorizo and cook for 5 more minutes until hot.

  8. Serve with chopped parsley on top.

  1. En una cacerola con aceite, rehogar la cebolla picada hasta transparentar.

  2. Agregar el ajo picado y continuar sofriendo.

  3. Cortar la panceta en lardones y añadir a la olla. Continuar cocinando hasta que la panceta esté crocante.

  4. Agregar caldo de a poco, papas, batatas, y zanahorias en cubos y condimentar con pimentón y pimienta.

  5. Llevar a hervor, reducir el fuego, tapar y cocinar a fuego suave revolviendo hasta que la papa comience a cocinarse.

  6. Añadir salsa de tomates, sal, las lentejas remojadas, tapar y continuar la cocción 20 minutos.

  7. Transcurrido el tiempo agregar las salchichas en rodajas gruesas y cocinar por 5 minutos hasta que estén calientes.

  8. Servir con perejil picado por encima.

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